c/o Graeme Bool, 6 Jamberoo Place, BANGOR NSW 2234
Telephone: 0295434337 ~ Mobile: 0427125327 ~ Email: graemebool@outlook.com



Forthcoming Events 


THU 21 NOV Newcastle Christmas luncheon
SUN 24 NOV Illawarra Christmas luncheon Sunday
FRI 29 NOV Canberra Christmas function. Friday
SAT 30 NOV Wagga Wagga Christmas luncheon
WED 4 DEC Christmas Cocktails ANZ Tower

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Newcastle Christmas Function 17th November 2016
at the Cardiff Diggers Club

A great day was had at the club with a very good attendance from both local and visiting members and their partners. Judging on noise levels and laughter, there was plenty to talk about and the room had a very affable ambience. Newcastle Chair Ron Welsh welcomed all present with special mention to those who had travelled some distance. President Graeme Bool responded with a thanks to Ron Welsh, Cheryl and Jim Richardson for their efforts. Graeme also mentioned the success of the recent Doc Wilson Memorial Bowls Day and also thanked all who attended. Jim advised the gathering of apologies, special mention was made of new member Ed Hale who was present and Allan Willoughby (an apology as he is overseas). Jim also thanked his wife Cheryl for her support and the catering manager for the food which was of very good quality and he then distributed raffle winner prizes to some lucky recipients.


Barbara & Barry Gibson, Lindy & Ken Dighton, Rhonda Hitchcock, Wayne Kiehne, Peter & Jean Maber, Peter Willis, David Fleming

John Penn, David Braidwood, Ed & Rosalind Hale, Nell & Bob Grant, Rod Prosser, John Becroft, Bob Wilkinson

Keith & Joan Anderson, Col & Robyn Killer, Gary O'Meara, Col Rolla, Kerrie & John Tier, Beverley Wilson, Keith Crawford

Geoff Boyton, Jim Corrigan, Judith & Graeme Bool, Paul Jacka, Jim Heath, Wal Hardy, Phil Newsome

Jim Richardson, Ron Welsh, Dan Moriarty, Sue Welsh, Cheryl Richardson, Evelyn Goldstein, Geoff Wright, Kester & John Ball, Noel Bottrell