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Telephone: 0295434337 ~ Mobile: 0427125327 ~ Email: graemebool@outlook.com



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Victoria Barracks Tour 28th July 2016

There were twenty-seven members and guests who enjoyed a very worthwhile tour of the Barracks on a beautiful, sunny day. A leisurely stroll around the compound with a visit to the on-site museum took about two-and-a-half hours, and was steeped in history, and the commentary provided by the volunteer guides was of interest to all.

The museum and cell block were also interesting and left us in no doubt that army life and discipline were pretty tough, with the closure of the very cramped cells only in the mid 1970s. The group then left the Barracks for a meal at the Paddo RSL and, as usual, the company and fellowship were excellent.

Our thanks to the guides and the assistance afforded us by the staff at the Barracks, with particular mention to Sgt Peter Ryan who was the liaison person that helped with the arrangements.


Click on image to enlarge

Front left to right:
John (our guide), Heather Riach, Linda Lyons, Joan White, Mary Chapman, Judy O’Meara, Denis Lickley, Kini Smeaton

Rear left to right:
Mike Cunneen, John Turnbull, Gary O’Meara, Tom (Guide), Phil Newsome, Brian White, John Tier, Sue and Ron Welsh, and Bill Chapman.