c/o Graeme Bool, 6 Jamberoo Place, BANGOR NSW 2234
Telephone: 0295434337 ~ Mobile: 0427125327 ~ Email: graemebool@outlook.com



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THU 21 NOV Newcastle Christmas luncheon
SUN 24 NOV Illawarra Christmas luncheon Sunday
FRI 29 NOV Canberra Christmas function. Friday
SAT 30 NOV Wagga Wagga Christmas luncheon
WED 4 DEC Christmas Cocktails ANZ Tower

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The "Doc" Wilson Memorial Bowls Day at Umina Bowling Club 11th November 2015

A great day was had at Umina Bowling Club by the thirty members, partners and friends that turned up to bowl or attempt to do so. Competition was not fierce and we all had a lot of fun followed by a nice meal and the usual ANZROC good company. Ian and Gwen Jarratt did themselves proud as usual and organized a smooth and successful day. Special thanks to John Hall and Ron Austin of the UBC who volunteered to make up the numbers required for a contest. Wishing all those with stiff and sore limbs from the unaccustomed exercise a speedy recovery.


Brian White, Vic East and Bob Boys

Pam and Wal Hardy, and Paul Jacka

Ann and Alex Morgan, and Jim and Glynis Heath

Phil Newsome, Bob Jansen, and Joan and Noel Ryan, et al

Joan and Noel Ryan, Noel Bottrell, Angela Vallender, et al

Ron Austin (Umina Bowling Club), Henry Pilaski, and Ken Dighton

Warwick Lyon, John Hall, and Gwen and Ian Jarrett

Toni and Graham Kenney, Dave Lennon and Val Calvey

Phil Newsome presents the 'Doc' Wilson Memorial Bowls trophy to Ken Dighton

The Victors - Warwick Lyon, John Hall, Phil Newsome and Ken Dighton