c/o Graeme Bool, 6 Jamberoo Place, BANGOR NSW 2234
Telephone: 0295434337 ~ Mobile: 0427125327 ~ Email: graemebool@outlook.com



Forthcoming Events 


THU 21 NOV Newcastle Christmas luncheon
SUN 24 NOV Illawarra Christmas luncheon Sunday
FRI 29 NOV Canberra Christmas function. Friday
SAT 30 NOV Wagga Wagga Christmas luncheon
WED 4 DEC Christmas Cocktails ANZ Tower

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Newsletter Posting Day

Pictured from left: Noel Bottrell, Ken Byatt, Graeme Bool, Phil Newsome, Alex Morgan, Mike Cunneen, and Ann Morgan.


We had Phil Newsome's swan song as the President at our Newsletter posting day today, which the committee followed up with a very enjoyable luncheon at City Tattersalls (at no cost to ANZROC). This does not excuse Phil from future similar events in his capacity as immediate Past President!

The committee gather in a conference room to send out the newsletter on a monthly basis, when we are very hospitably looked after by the crew on level 25 at the ANZ Tower 242 Pitt St Sydney.