An enjoyable day was had by all, with the inaugural trophy being awarded to Val Calvey, Reg Smeaton, Bob Boys and Graham Kenney.
Gwen Jarratt proposed a toast to the memory of "Doc" Wilson. Graham Kenney accepted the trophy and spoke of the rewarding day in terms of the camaraderie and social nature being of as much merit as the bowls themselves.
There were 21 there for the day; the weather was kind and the camaraderie was wonderful. A great day and recommended to any as a must-do when it is scheduled for next year.
Bob Cunningham, Wal Hardy, Bob Boys, Alan Turner, and Paul Jacka
Toni Kenney, Val Calvey, Brian White, Phil Newsome,
Jim and Glynnis Heath, Angela Vallender, David Lennon, Gwen and Ian Jarratt
Noel Bottrell, Barry Gibson, Jim Corrigan
Noel and Joan Ryan
Bob Boys, Alan Turner, Paul Jacka
Bob Cunningham, Wal Hardy
Brian White, Phil Newsome
Jim and Glynnis Heath
Angela Vallender
David Lennon, Gwen and Ian Jarratt
Graham and Toni Kenney, Val Calvey
Phil Newsome and Gwen Jarratt
Graham Kenney accepting the trophy from Gwen Jarratt