c/o Graeme Bool, 6 Jamberoo Place, BANGOR NSW 2234
Telephone: 0295434337 ~ Mobile: 0427125327 ~ Email: graemebool@outlook.com


Newcastle Christmas Function 15 November 2018

There were 41 members, partners and guests at the lunch, with a contingent of nine from Sydney included in this number. As is always the case, many good and possibly inventive stories were told and old friendships cemented. Ron Welsh welcomed all present; Jim Richardson covered apologies and other matters; and President Phil Cohen extended the thanks of the Club to the Newcastle Committee and members for their continued support of ANZROC (NSW). There were the usual lucky door prize awards, a very enjoyable meal and, most importantly, a wonderful catch-up for those present. Of particular joy was the arrival of John Penn who has been seriously ill recently. He made a valiant effort to get to the function which was much appreciated by all.


Ken Byatt, Jim Heath, Paul Jacka, Robyn Killer, Col Killer

Margaret Willis, David Fleming, Peter Willis

Standing: Phil and Helen Cohen, David Braidwood, Noel Cook
Seated: Ian and Gwen Jarratt, Vicki and Bob Wilkinson, Betty Cook

Standing: Bob Le Broq, Graeme Bool, Neville Wilkinson, Dan Moriarty, Geoff Wright
Seated: Wal Hardy, Judith Bool

Peter Maber, Ron Hargreaves, John Penn

Heather and Terry Auld, Ken and Lindy Dighton

Rhonda Hitchcock, Jean and Peter Maber

Geoff Boyton, John and Kester Ball

Evelyn Goldstein, Sue and Ron Welsh, Jim and Cheryl Richardson