A good day was had by the 18 people that attended the tour. We were all astounded by the size of the site, the facilities offered therein, and the scope of scientific reach and world best practise that abounds at the site. Some major breakthroughs are being made with production of Nuclear Medicine specifically focused on Cancer and Australia is at the forefront with this facility. Our host was a retired chemist from the Centre – Robin – and he was very knowledgeable and we were privileged to be shown around by such an experienced person. Some of us had to leave soon after the tour due to previous commitments, but the rest of the party (pictured below) remained behind for a very nice meal and social conclusion to a very good day.
Our thanks to Angelo Briganti for setting up such a pleasurable event, this was particularly difficult as it is an area secured by the Australia Federal Police and there were more than a few bureaucratic hurdles for Angelo to jump to conclude the arrangements. |
Keith and Janene Morrin, Terry and Heather Auld, Noel Bottrell, Angelo and Marina Briganti, Tony and Gay Thompson
Glen Fitzpatrick, Alistair Johnston, Peter and Jan Douglas