c/o Graeme Bool, 6 Jamberoo Place, BANGOR NSW 2234
Telephone: 0295434337 ~ Mobile: 0427125327 ~ Email: graemebool@outlook.com



Forthcoming Events 


THU 21 NOV Newcastle Christmas luncheon
SUN 24 NOV Illawarra Christmas luncheon Sunday
FRI 29 NOV Canberra Christmas function. Friday
SAT 30 NOV Wagga Wagga Christmas luncheon
WED 4 DEC Christmas Cocktails ANZ Tower

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Patron's Lunch at 242 Pitt Street on 1st September 2015

Rt Hon Warwick Smith AM opens the day's proceedings

Lee Blundell, our Catering Coordinator Extraordinaire

Noel Fox and John Becroft

Barry Smith and John Wellburn

Barry and Wilhelmina Smith

Ann Morgan and Amanda Clarke

Lee Blundell and Alex Morgan

Graeme Bool and Phil Newsome

John Mair

Ron Welsh OAM and Terry Auld

Bob Grant, Geoff and Betty Brown

Alistair Johnston and Rino Mariani

Angela Vallender, Alf McDermott, Warwick Smith AM, and Alasdair Steel

Alf McDermott, Warwick Smith AM, Alasdair Steel, and Jim Nicholson OAM

Warwick Smith AM, Alasdair Steel, Jim Nicholson OAM

Angela Vallender and Alf McDermott

Peter Maber, John Turnbull, and Angela Vallender

Brian White, Vic East, and Bill Chapman

Phil Newsome gives a vote of thanks for the day (but not for this 'wobbly' photo ☺)