c/o Graeme Bool, 6 Jamberoo Place, BANGOR NSW 2234
Telephone: 0295434337 ~ Mobile: 0427125327 ~ Email: graemebool@outlook.com


   Newcastle Chapter Luncheon held 14th May 2015

The day attracted 39 starters. A good day was had by all with the usual chatter and tall stories of past events. The day in many ways reminded us of the late "Doc" Wilson, made more poignant with the passing out of photographs from past events taken mainly by Doc Wilson.

Ron Welsh OAM welcomed all present, and apologies were tendered by Jim Richardson.

Phil Newsome extended his gratitude to Ron, Jim and Cheryl for their efforts in locating a new and - in his opinion and the others present - better venue for the function, and for their work generally in furthering the Club's activities for the Newcastle membership.


Cheryl Richardson, Robyn and Col Killer, and Keith J Anderson

Alan Skidmore, John Tier, and Gary O'Meara

Wal Hardy, Graeme Bool, and Jim Corrigan

Bart Byrne and Geoff Wright

Bill Martin, Peter Maber, and Phil Newsome

Bill Martin and Dick Walkom

Rod Prosser, Paul Jacka and Denis Lickley

Ron Bracken, Ken Dighton, and Alex and Ann Morgan

Ron Bracken

Denis Lickley

Keith Anderson and Nell Grant

Nell and Bob Grant

Ron Welsh

Jim and Cheryl Richardson

John Tier and Gary O'Meara

David Lennon and Val Calvey

Kerry Tier and Jennifer Skidmore

Wal Hardy and Graeme Bool

Keith Crawford, Phil Newsome and Bart Byrne

Bill Martin

Col Rolla

Angela Vallender

John Heathwood

Ron Welsh OA welcomes the members and their guests