c/o Graeme Bool, 6 Jamberoo Place, BANGOR NSW 2234
Telephone: 0295434337 ~ Mobile: 0427125327 ~ Email: graemebool@outlook.com



Forthcoming Events 


THU 16 MAY 2024 Newcastle Luncheon

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Newcastle Luncheon 23 November 2023


A dull and occasionally rainy day (unusual for Newcastle!) had to be contended with by the twenty-five members and partners, and one visitor (Brent Hale – son of Ed and Ros.), for the end-of-year Newcastle lunch.

Fortunately, the rainy patches did not cause any great inconvenience for our guests. The numbers were down a bit on usual, but we did have twelve apologies sent in.

A couple of these were due to hospitalisations (Peter Willis and John Burke) and recent illness (John Ball). We extend best wishes to all those on the sick-list for good recoveries.

We also welcomed some “dignitaries” from out-of-town, including ANZROC(NSW) hardworking secretary Graeme Bool.

Geoff Boyton formally welcomed everyone, and Ron Welsh gave a heartfelt eulogy for our good mate and longstanding “worker” for the Newcastle ROC sub-branch, Jim Richardson, who passed away in August.

It was great to see Jim’s widow Cheryl back on deck and lending her usual willing hand by organising the lucky-door prizes.

All-in-all, it was a happy group who all seemed to once again enjoy each others’ company and the Cardiff RSL buffet.