c/o Graeme Bool, 6 Jamberoo Place, BANGOR NSW 2234
Telephone: 0295434337 ~ Mobile: 0427125327 ~ Email: graemebool@outlook.com



Forthcoming Events 


THU 16 MAY 2024 Newcastle Luncheon

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ANZROC (NSW) Christmas Function 5 December 2019

Eighty-two members attended today's function - with our ageing membership and the immobility that has impacted many of our members, a reduction in attendance had to be expected. The need to acquire more members is increasingly apparent to avert this trend. Our thoughts go out to those who were unable to attend for whatever reason as they are all colleagues or friends or both and are missed. We wish them and all our membership and families a happy safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year.

The function was hosted by our Club Patron, Group Executive Digital Banking Maile Carnegie, and her Administration Executive, Julie Coleman, was also instrumental in assisting with the arrangements. Our Club President Phil Cohen thanked them both for their support, both for the day's function and throughout the year. It has been willing and made the Committee’s work so much easier. President Phil also thanks Acting Secretary Graeme Bool and Angelo Briganti for their contribution towards the event and their efforts throughout the year, as well as the rest of the Committee. He then introduced Maile Carnegie to the members and she spoke briefly and eloquently on the direction the Bank is taking with the digital age and her role in that strategy. Maile then devoted her time to talking to the members individually and her conversations were well received by all present. Our old friend and supporter of many years, Mark Monaghan, also spent some time to visit on the day and was also very welcome.


John Mitchell, Wal Hardy, Clive Neutze, Phil Newsome, Colin Clarke

Robyn MacDonald, Mike Cunneen, Robyn Jurd

Pam Griffiths, David Robinson

Angela Vallender, Pam Griffiths, David Robinson

Albert Ben Mayor, Alf McDermott, Angela Vallender, Ron Hargrave

Peter Maber, Jan Douglas

Gary O’Meara, John Tier, Chris Wheeler

Peter Douglas, Ron Chillingworth, Gary O’Meara

Roy Easton, Tony Carter

Bob Smart, John Cox, Eamon Berne, Stephen Lennon

Ken Dighton, John Hillard, Glenn Fitzpatrick, James Roberts

Mike Cunneen, Alasdair Steel, Rin Mariani, Alistair Johnston

Mark Monaghan, Angelo Briganti, Barry Gibson

Ian Tredinnick, Terry Stapleton, Terry Auld, Ian Auld

William Chang, Doug Russell, Richard Perkins

Robyn MacDonald, Tony Schembri, Paul Jepson, Richard Peddar, Allen Burridge, John Le Gras

Bill Patrick, Bob Dyer, Harry Charubin, Paul Mawruk, John Farrugia

Stuart Kitching, Col Jeffries, John Mair, Peter Murray, Peter Willis

Bob McElroy, Con Lucas, Graham Kenney

Robyn Jurd, Barry Smith, Angela Vallender

Geoff Brown, Glenn Fitzpatrick, Noel Bottrell

Graeme Bool, Tony Schembri

Philip Cohen, Ken Byatt

Wilhelmina Smith, Barry Bailey, Peter Maber

Helen Mazar, Maile Carnegie, Kerry Love

Helen Mazar, Maile Carnegie, Kerry Love, Alistair Johnston, Peter Douglas (at rear)

Ron Welsh (OAM), Betty Brown

Ian Stewart, Clieve Lennon

Rino Mariani, Wal Hardy, Clive Neutze, Bill Sultana

Peter Maber, Tony Schembri, Paul Jepson