c/o Graeme Bool, 6 Jamberoo Place, BANGOR NSW 2234
Telephone: 0295434337 ~ Mobile: 0427125327 ~ Email: graemebool@outlook.com


Partners’ Luncheon TAFE Ultimo 15 August 2018

There were 35 gathered for the TAFE Luncheon, and as usual it was a very pleasant experience. The food and service was excellent, especially given that the caterers and waiter staff are all in learning mode, and it was a well presented, stylish and very enjoyable meal in good company. It is good to be able to involve our partners in the day and I commend it to anyone as a future event. On behalf of all who attended, a big "thank you" to our Minister for Good Times, Angelo Briganti, who organised the event.

Never easy with this event, as semester breaks and other issues make contact and confirmation a difficult and some-times frustrating experience. Our Vice President Terry Auld thanked the students and staff for a wonderful meal and threatened them with our return next year. He also gave a vote of thanks to Angelo Briganti for his efforts as MfGT.

John Freedman, Joan and Brian White

Vic and Lesley East, Wendy Freedman

Robyn Macdonald, Tony and Maureen Schembri, Terry Auld, and Angelo Briganti

Marina Briganti, Heather Auld, Ian and Gwen Jarratt, Robyn Jurd

Alistair Johnston, Graeme Boole, Sue and Ken Byatt, Mike Cunneen

Sue Carol, Angela Vallender, Lynne and Sebastian Zammit

Diane Kostrubiec, Kerry Love, Kini Smeaton, Ken Dighton, Gary O'Meara

John and Kerry Tier, Phil Newsome, and Helen Mazaar

John and Kerry Tier, and Reg Smeaton