c/o Graeme Bool, 6 Jamberoo Place, BANGOR NSW 2234
Telephone: 0295434337 ~ Mobile: 0427125327 ~ Email: graemebool@outlook.com


Lithgow Small Arms Museum Tour 1st May 2017

The visit was very enjoyable with beautiful weather, good company, and a very nice light luncheon provided after the tour. The generous country-style hospitality of the volunteers and our bus driver was very refreshing, as was the drive around the key interest points in Lithgow, including some very stately homes and the long defunct blast furnace as well as a trip up to the Hassans Walls Lookout for some spectacular views. The manufacturing skills and diversity of product from the factory was astounding as was the display of weaponry. Thank you, Ann Morgan, for organising another enjoyable experience for the Club.


Part of the very nice selection the volunteers put on for our lunch

Ken and Sue Byatt, Denis Lickley, and Ann and Alex Morgan

Phil and Helen Cohen, Mary and Noel Chie, and Judy and Graeme Bool

Heather and Terry Auld

John Tier and a Men's Shed mate Kevin, with Maureen and Tony Schembri

Denis Lickley and John Tier

Front: Denis Lickley, Ken Byatt, Terry Auld, Helen Cohen, Ann and Alex Morgan
Back: Barry Wileman, Tony and Maureen Schembri, Judith Bool, John Tier, Graeme Bool,
Heather Auld, Kevin (a friend of John Tier), Phil Cohen, Mary and Noel Chie