c/o Graeme Bool, 6 Jamberoo Place, BANGOR NSW 2234
Telephone: 0295434337 ~ Mobile: 0427125327 ~ Email: graemebool@outlook.com


Christmas Function 5th December 2016

The Christmas celebrations were held at the Castlereagh Boutique Hotel this year and - judging by the writer's favourite barometer, the noise levels - those gathered seemed to have a pretty good afternoon.

Graeme Bool welcomed all and made special mention of members from Western Australia, Tasmania and Canada, as well as those from Newcastle, the Southern Highlands, the Illawarra and Canberra that made the journey. There were a number of our regular monthly lunch members on hand but it was wonderful to see there today those who are not usually able to attend the monthly luncheons. It really enhanced our objectives of maintaining contact with our former colleagues and having an enjoyable time while doing so. Catching up with former colleagues, not seen in some cases for many years, is a particularly rewarding element of the day.

We were lucky to have Mark Monaghan with us for a good part of the day. Mark gave a brief summation of the current strategy of the Bank and the change in direction regarding the Asian market and the identification of those high-net-worth-high-return-on-investment areas which require a greater focus and nurturing to ensure the future profitable operation of the Bank. Mark very graciously answered questions from the floor, and he was well received by all present.

Graham Bool concluded the day with a 'Thank you' to the NSW Executive team of Hon Warwick Smith, Mark Monaghan, Jasmine Antonious, Amanda Clarke, and Lee Blundell for the support they have given us throughout the year and wished all present a Happy Christmas and New Year. With the change of venue, including an operational bar, the evacuation to various hotels and clubs as in previous years was not needed, and the "stayers" remained at the venue to further their fellowship.


Tony Knight and Colleen Moran (née Murray)

Denis Lickley and Jenny Lennox

Robyn McGrath and Wal Hardy

Paul Mawruk and Wally Charubin

John Tier and Collen Moran

Jim Richards, Graham Kenney, Phil Newsome and Grahame Lloyd

John Penn and Violet Peloe

Roy Easton and Jim Richards

Robyn Jurd and Robyn Macdonald

Eamon Berne, David Fleming, Tony Carter, Tony Schembri, and Ron Welsh

Robyn McGrath, Robyn Day and Jenny Burke

John Becroft, Karl Mizens and Ken Dighton

John Freedman and Ken Keen

Pam Griffiths, Angela Vallender, Jan Hawkins, and Vic East

Angela Vallender, Jan Hawkins and Reg Smeaton

Warren Hadley, John Cox and Roy Crawford

Bob Dyer and Tony Knight

Karl Mizens and Bob Parsons

Barry Wileman and Bob Naismith

Vicki Croucher. Bernadette Mickle, Lyn Conomos, Jan Hawkins, Heather Riach and Ella King

Wilhelmina Smith

Peter Murray and John Turnbull

Noel Chie, Ken Abrahams and Geoff Brown

Bob Grant, John Hillard, Jim Richardson, and Ron Welsh

John Wellburn and Albert Orszaczky

Robert Ziems and Barry Bailey

Angelo Briganti and Garrie Taylor

Rino Mariani, Alistair Johnston and Alasdair Steel

David and Clieve Lennon

Ian Tredinnick and David Fleming

Peter Willis and John Mair

Gwen Jarratt, Con Lucas and Angela Vallender

Gary O'Meara, Ron Chillingworth and Ian Jarratt

John Mitchell, John Tier, and Gary O'Meara

Pam Griffiths, John McAnelly, John MacKenzie and John Mitchell

Phil Cohen and Ray Brennan

Peter Maber, Col Bartrim and Ray Croucher

Keith Morrin

David Wright and John Burg

Tony Schembri and Charlie White

Phil Newsome and Graeme Bool

Mark Monaghan and Tony Knight

Doug Richardson and Barry Gibson

Graeme Bool

Mark Monaghan